ESOL Exam Resources

Exam resources

Exam resources

Below is a selection of useful exam resources, including links for information on University Study, IELTS and Trinity B1


EFL Exams

Suitable for E3+ students with tailored practice to different EFL exams. Still worth a look to recommend some specific practice. 

Exam English


ESB Exams 

Video clips of ESB exams – students can watch on the ESB website and have a phone call/face-time with another student to practice. 

ESOL skills for life


Other Exam Resources

Cambridge English Online Practice tests

Practice Tests


University Study

List of English as a Second Language courses available with different universities

University Courses

Build your skills with courses, certificates and degrees online from world-class universities and companies.

Various ESOL Courses


IELTS and Trinity B1

Free IELTS preparation podcast tutorials and materials for different skills and topics.

IELTS Podcast

Information about the Secure English Language Test (SELT) offered by Trinity at level B1 in Speaking in Listening for Indefinite Leave to Remain (to settle) or British Citizenship.

Trinity College